What follows is a report of our most recent Napoleonic engagement using the Volley & Bayonet rules and 6mm miniatures. This fictional engagement is set in 1809 where the French have crossed the Danube east of Vienna and are confronted by the Austrians. It is considered to be just prior to the historical Battle of Aspern-Essling.
On the 13th of May, after a dramatic campaign in Bavaria, Napoleon entered the city of Vienna. Despite the loss of their capital the Austrians failed to submit. With the Austrians positioned to the north of Vienna, and separated by the Danube, Napoleon determined to cross the river. Yet immediate success was elusive. An earlier attempt to cross the Danube at Schwarze-Lackenau was repulsed. However, two days later a successful crossing was made some distance to the east which allowed two French corps to press north. Archduke Charles was however well concentrated. He moved to counter the crossing with a portion of his army.
The battlefield he selected was broken by gentle rises, individually of little consequence, meaning the terrain was notably different from that of the Marchfeld directly north of Vienna. In addition the area between the two armies was broken up by a number of towns. The town of Lechdorf was the largest and was to be near the eastern flank of the Austrian position. The battlefield was further restricted, near the flanks, by a series of small forests and streams, some of which were marshy in nature.
Charles had reacted quickly to news of the French crossing and by 3pm had deployed the bulk of two corps to oppose the gathering French. Those positioned in the centre and left comprised three divisions of Rosenburg's IV Armeekorps. One of these divisions, Redetsky's Light Division was placed on the extreme Austrian left. On the Austrian right was Ferdinand's VII Armeekorps, having returned from Poland and had since been reorganised. The corps was reinforced by Hessen-Homberg's Cavalry Division which itself comprised a brigade of dragoons and cuirassiers along with a small horse battery. Finally, a cavalry reserve was positioned in the centre under Schwarzenburg. This division also comprised a brigade of dragoons and cuirassiers and associated artillery. In all Charles had at his immediate disposal 37,000 bayonets, 7,000 cavalry along with 84 cannon.
Opposite Marshal Lannes had deployed his forces with care. On his left was II Corps which comprised two divisions. Normally under Lanne's command today Oudinot acted as the its commander, allowing Lannes to focus on his wider responsibilities. Recently raised and as such somewhat limited in manoeuvre, the corps was ordered to play a holding role initially. As such it deployed around the town of Zurnburg. Some 1400 yards to the north of Zurnburg, and nearer to the Austrian lines, was the town of Dauferdorf. The French centre and right was held by Messena's IV Corps. Some four divisions were deployed with the Morrand and Saint-Cyr placed in the centre while Boudet's infantry and Lassalle's cavalry deployed on the right. To reinforce the crossing Lannes had been supplemented by two further divisions. These were Curial's 1st Young Guard Division and Saint Sulpice's 2nd Heavy Cavalry Division. These two divisions had been allocated to a flanking movement on the French right. In all Lannes had at his disposal 34,000 bayonets, 4,000 cavalry and 76 cannon.
The battle opened soon after 3pm on the late spring day. Under a clear sky the beat of French drums carried across the fields as the French centre and right advanced with both determination and intent. It was however the advance against the Austrian left that caught Charles by surprise. Having been screened by open woods and gentle rises Saint Sulpice's 2nd Heavy Cavalry Division moved forward with unprecedented vigour. Supplemented by Curial's Young Guard Division the target was Redetsky's Light Division.
A general view from the French right rear as the attack begins, Lechdorf is in the top right. |
The lack of scouting by Redetsky was deplorable, as was the lack of preparedness for an enemy advance on his open flank. Now as the French cuirassiers surged forward they would crash into the hussars whose fate was sealed.
The attack of Saint Sulpice's 2nd Heavy Cavalry Division. |
Within 30 minutes the Austrian cavalry broke in rout, as such it threatened an immediate collapse of the Austrian left. Indeed, as the Austrian hussars fled the position of the Austrian Grenzers was untenable. Redetsky, having recovered from the immediate debacle, ordered both Grenzer regiments to seek shelter in the town of Lechdorf least they be overrun. Yet their perceived safety here was soon challenged when both brigades of the Young Guard launched attacks on the eastern portion of the town, ejecting one regiment of Grenzers in the process. In less than an two hours the Austrian left had been shattered.
Yet Austrian resolve remained unbroken and Archduke Charles moved rapidly to reorganise his defence. The infantry regiments from Dedovich's and Hohenlohe's Divisions formed a new defensive position, a portion being deployed at right angles to the original line. Bristling with artillery and determined Austrian regiments the defensive position was extended further by the positioning of Schwarzenburg's Cavalry Division. Of course Lannes wished to but the momentum of the advance now meant that additional French brigades were not yet in a position to support further attacks.
By 5pm the French were faced with a strengthening Austrian centre and right. The divisions of Boudet and Morrand, both from Messena's IV Corps were by arriving. A grand battery would be formed and comprising 24 cannon. It's focus would be Austrian Infantry Regiment 55 which formed the corner of the new Austrian left flank. Yet this took time. In an effort to continue the pressure and retain a portion of the momentum Saint Sulpice's cavalry surged forward again, supported by the light cavalry of Lasalle's Division.
French cavalry engage elements of Schwarzenburg's cavalry. |
Their target was the Schwarzenburg's Cavalry Division. This Austrian cavalry division comprised two brigades, one of dragoons the other of cuirassiers.
An Austrian counterattack against French Cuirassiers and Hussars. |
Details of the ensuing engagement are unclear but in subsequent charges, and counter charges, Schwarzenburg Division was eventually worn down until it was destroyed as a fighting force.
Around 7pm the Austrian infantry softened, the Young Guard renewed their attack. Some gains were made but the attack was less than Curial had hoped. The Austrian infantry were more resilient than expected.
The Austrian position with Brigade Rouget, from the Young Guard, attacking. |
While events on the Austrian left had dominated the battle fighting elsewhere should not be overlooked. It will be recalled that the French right was held by the two divisions of Oudinot's II Corps and that both divisions were lacking in experience.
Soon after 4.30pm the town of Zurnburg, was subjected to sustained attack by advancing white clad legions of Austria. Indeed two Austrian formations were thrown in. One was Infantry Regiment 34 the other Brigade Murray. The latter comprised grenadiers drawn from several infantry regiments. Garrisoning the town of Zurnburg was the French Brigade Coehorn itself part of Claparede's Division. The determined Austrian attack gained momentum and while some French battalions fought with distinction others crumpled under the pressure (melee tie results). As the survivors were ejected the the Austrians secured the streets and more defensible portions of the town.
Zurnburg on the French left, shown under attack by the Austrians. |
A prompt French counterattack may have regained the town but equally a repulse may have ended in disaster for the French right, in part due to Austrian cavalry gathering west of Zurnburg. Oudinot selected caution and ordered his brigades to retire and reform a new line of defence. His orders were clear, he was to delay and defend.
Meanwhile some 1,400 yards to the north of Zurnburg, at the town of Dauferdorf, yet another series of attacks and counterattacks were unfolding. While the bulk of the Oudinot's II Corps were to be deployed on the defensive around Leuchburg one brigade had been thrown in to an attack around 4pm on the town of Dauferdorf. This town had been secured by the Austrians Infantry Regiment 33 soon after 3.30pm. Before IR 33 could form a coherent defence it was assaulted Brigade Jarry, the brigade being drawn from Tharreau's Division. Supporting this attack was the 4th Ligne, itself drawn from Saint-Cyr's Division.
In the ensuing attack the Austrians were ejected and in the process suffered heavy casualties. Yet Dauferdorf was not held for long and around 6.30pm two Austrian converged grenadier regiments counterattacked.
The town of Dauferdorf is attacked by the Austrian grenadiers. |
Again fighting was determined and for sometime the result hung in the balance. However, the determination of the grenadiers ejecting the Brigade Jarry (another melee tie).
Dauferdof attacked, viewed from the Austrian centre. The French centre extends from the town. |
The retreating brigade had significant impact. As it retired east it disordered several French regiments deployed opposite the Austrian centre. With the French centre disordered, and their flank exposed, Saint-Cyr ordered his brigades to fall back realigning as best they could to this growing threat.
By 8pm, and with dusk approaching, the left wings of both protagonists had been clearly turned in what had become something of a stalemate. Casualties for the French had fallen heavily on Oudinot's II Corps. Both divisions had suffered heavy casualties though were even at dusk able to continue the fight. However, on the French right Lasalle's Light Cavalry Division had collapsed. The Austrian infantry divisions were large and well able to withstand a battle of attrition. However, Radetsky's Light Division was shattered as was Schwarzenberg's Cavalry Division. Clearly a period of reorganisation was now required under the cover of darkness. What the 14th held was far from certain.
Our scenario involved four players with the scenario developed using the "Road to Glory" scenario system. In the system players randomly draw two cards from a deck then from these two select one. The French players selected "Flank Attack #27". In contrast the Austrians selected "Full Deployment #25. As to the miniatures they are all from the Heroics & Ros 6mm range and are from my own collection. They are based for half scale where each massed infantry or cavalry stand is 1.5” square and 1” represents 200 yards. The table measured 4' x 3'.
I always enjoy your Napoleonic battle reports and they make me want to revisit my own neglected 6mm figures, but alas, someone has got me onto a naval wargaming kick and I'm sorely distracted!
ReplyDeleteI pleased you enjoy the reports and appreciate the feedback. It’s sort of sad you are enjoying your naval distractions, but not entirely…
DeleteA nice AAR Keith. Certainly a heavy butcher's bill for both sides. I've always had a soft spot for the boys in white coats.
ReplyDeleteThanks Greg, pleased it was of interest. The Austrians in this period are often considered fragile but used well can be surprisingly resilient.